4D Printing is the premier journal dedicated to the manufacturing of dynamic entities that respond to environmental stimuli by integrating time as a fourth dimension.
ARLA is the official journal of the Latin American Council of Schools Management (CLADEA) publishing in the field of management with clear reference to Ibero and Latin American management and business
ARJ provides a forum for communicating impactful research between professionals and academics on emerging areas in contemporary accounting research and practice.
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (AAAJ) is an interdisciplinary accounting research journal publishing investigations of accounting, auditing and accountability issues and their impacts on policy, practice and society
Advances in Autism (AIA) builds and disseminates evidence on the health and care aspects and outcomes of autistic people, with the goal to inform researchers and professionals; improving the quality of life for those living on the autistic spectrum.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis (ADD) offers peer-reviewed, practical and thought-provoking content and a forum for topical debate on dual diagnosis (co-occurring substance abuse and mental health conditions) and complex needs.
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities (AMHID) is a vital and pioneering source of peer-reviewed research and information specific to the mental health needs of people with intellectual/learning disabilities.
The African Journal of Economic and Management Studies (AJEMS) advances both theoretical and empirical research, informs policies and practices, and improves understanding of how economic and business decisions shape the lives of Africans.
Agricultural Finance Review provides a rigorous forum for the publication of theory and empirical work related solely to issues in agricultural and agribusiness finance.
A key publication on the latest developments and research into the materials, techniques and technology relating to the aircraft and aerospace industry
Dedicated to publishing theoretical, conceptual, applied and fundamental research in the business fields, to inform valuable business practice.
ASR focusses on a range of topics from work in primary disciplines–accounting, economics & finance, management, operations & marketing, sociology, psychology, philosophy, law–that pertain to the social impact of the actions of individuals and organizations.
ACMM provides practical research from around the world on the latest developments regarding the materials and techniques employed in corrosion prevention
Applied Computing and Informatics is an open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, focusing on the knowledge and use of IT applications. The journal serves a forum for both applied and theoretical understanding and encourages submissions from both within and beyond academia.
Applied Economic Analysis is a peer-reviewed journal on global economic issues and the principles of economic analysis, with a particular focus on quantitative studies. AEA is published in association with the Spanish Asociación Libre de Economía (ALdE).
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research is an academic, open access, peer reviewed journal owned by Arabian Gulf University, which welcomes both theoretical and empirical submissions in natural resources sciences, medical sciences, biotechnology, computer science and applications, innovation, entrepreneurship, and management sciences, and educational sciences
The Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences is a open access, peer reviewed journal owned by King Saud University which welcomes submissions in both pure and applied mathematics.
Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal of architecture, urban design and planning, and built environment studies.
Artificial Intelligence in Education is an open access, peer reviewed journal publishing articles from original research studies on topics relating to the applications of AI at any stage of education, ranging from primary education to lifelong learning, and from either a disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective.
Arts and the Market (AAM) is dedicated to publishing high-quality and original contemporary research addressing issues related to the intersection of arts and the market and audience research.
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a peer-reviewed journal covering entrepreneurship, innovation, incubation and related topics. APJIE is published in association with Asian Association of Business Incubation.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (APJML) provides a unique focus on marketing and logistics in the Asia Pacific region.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration is an essential forum for both established and early-career researchers in all aspects of management and business in the Asia-Pacific region.
AAOUJ is a peer-reviewed journal on new information, knowledge, evaluations of theories or best practices of Open and Distance Education (ODE). Published in association with Asian Association of Open Universities.
Asian Education and Development Studies (AEDS) is concerned with education research in its broadest sense. The journal is interested in comparative studies that lead to new insights and challenge orthodox theories when analysing education and development issues. Since its official launch in 2012, AEDS has become one of the key education policy and development studies journals with a strong focus on the role of education and development, policy and governance in Asia from international and comparative perspectives.
AJAR is a peer-reviewed journal on accounting and finance in Asia and developing countries, focusing on accounting, corporate governance, and tax. Published in association with Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.
Asian Journal of Economics and Banking (AJEB) is open access, peer-reviewed journal which publishes top-quality, original research in economics, banking and finance.
Covering various fields of accounting, Asian Review of Accounting publishes research papers that address significant international issues on accounting, auditing, taxation, information system, and education as well as those on Asia Pacific in particular.
Aslib Journal of Information Management provides key insights into the latest international developments in the research and practice of information management and information science
A platform for state-of-the-art research covering all areas of assembly technology and automation, with a focus on practical applications.
Publishing multidisciplinary perspectives on contemporary issues and opportunities in emerging fields of management.
BIJ is aimed to be a source of theoretical and application techniques for scholars and practitioners, so organizations acquire information and background knowledge to benchmark their performance and identify the best practices in organizational management.
For over 120 years, the British Food Journal (BFJ) continues to be highly respected worldwide for its broad and unique interdisciplinary coverage of the latest food-related double blind peer-reviewed research. It links all sectors of this dynamic industry, keeping abreast of emerging trends, topical and controversial issues and informing and stimulating debate.
BEPAM is a CIB-recognised journal that provides a niche forum to address interfaces between project management and asset management of building and civil engineering infrastructure.
Business Analyst Journal (BAJ) is an academic and research journal of India’s pioneering institution Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi. It is a peer-reviewed open access journal. It was started in the year 1968 and is currently being published twice in a year during the period January – June and July – December.
Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) examines how a variety of business processes intrinsic to organizational efficiency and effectiveness are integrated and managed for competitive success and in so doing, disseminates best practice.
COMPEL provides a platform for innovations and developments of techniques and methodology employed in computation in electrical and electronic engineering.
Career Development International provides a platform for research in the areas of Careers and Development that deals with questions of theories and theory development, as well as with organizational career strategy, policy and practice
Central European Management Journal is an academic, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of management in both public and private sector institutions. The journal is published by Emerald on behalf of Kozminski University.
Established in 1999 by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in collaboration with Tsinghua University, China Accounting and Finance Review (CAFR) is the first refereed journal of accounting and finance published in China. For more than 20 years, CAFR has been publishing original articles that have implications for accounting and finance issues in China. To keep abreast of latest developments in research, CAFR welcomes submissions of research papers covering topics related to contemporary accounting and finance issues for all countries or regions outside of China. CAFR now publishes global, rather than just China, topics.
China Agricultural Economic review publishes quality research in the economics of agriculture, rural development, natural resources and the environment, providing an in-depth analysis of Chinese agricultural reform and practice.
China Finance Review International aims for promote discussions and publish works helpful to understand important financial and economic issues in the world, especially in China and other emerging markets
CPE is an open access, peer-reviewed journal on China’s Political Economy. The journal focuses particularly on Economic System Reform, China's Macro-economy, Industrial Organization, Financial and Capital Markets, Enterprise Strategies and Behaviours. Published by Emerald Publishing Services in association with School of Economics, Nanjing University.
Chinese Management Studies publishes high-quality research focusing on Chinese processes of managing enterprises, firms and corporations.
Circuit World publishes multidisciplinary research on a range of topics relating to all types of electronics circuits including; design, manufacturing, assembly and safety
Collection and Curation provides well-researched and authoritative information on the rapidly-changing conceptions of what collection development is in libraries, archives, museums and galleries. Also its purpose, practice and issues arising
Publishing academic research and conceptual policy dialogue on the competitiveness of locations at all stages of economic development.
A CIB-encouraged journal that publishes papers on a range of multidisciplinary subjects in the field of construction innovation
The International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research focuses on building bridges in theory, research, and practice across the inter-related fields of culture, tourism and hospitality.
Continuity & Resilience Review is an interdisciplinary journal which sits at the crossroads of disciplines along the organisational resilience spectrum. It is published in association with the Business Continuity Institute
This journal addresses the issues arising from the increased awareness that an organisation's communications are part of the whole organisation, and that the relationship an organisation has with its external public requires careful management.
Providing a consistent source of in-depth information and analysis considering corporate governance on an international scale.
CPOIB is the only journal that exclusively supports critically reflexive discussion of the nature and impact of international business activity around the globe from a number of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.
CCSM is dedicated to providing a forum for the publication of high-quality cross cultural and strategic management research in the global context.
Data Technologies & Applications focusses on the management of digital information, mostly covering Information Science and Information System aspects. Covers all aspects of the data revolution brought about by the Internet and the World-Wide-Web.
DLO is directed towards practitioners and academics in private, public and not-for-profit sectors. A mix of articles, review articles, interviews and book summaries provide leaders, managers and researchers with the most recent organizational developments
Digital Library Perspectives keeps readers informed about current trends, initiatives, and developments around digital content collections
Assessing the impact of information and communication technologies on the economy and society from a multidisciplinary perspective, DPRG covers topics such as Cybersecurity, Big Data, The Internet of Things and ICT for development.
Digital Transformation and Society publishes peer-reviewed research in the interdisciplinary field of digital transformation and society. It’s an international journal fostering discussions how digital technologies disrupt and transform society, nationally and internationally. It promotes critical analysis and inquiries into the theory and development of digitalization in business and society
Disaster Prevention and Management publishes high-quality research which advances knowledge and practice in the field of disaster risk reduction and management.
Drugs and Alcohol Today journal is committed to bringing together scientific research as well as practitioner and policy reports on the social, economic, and political aspects of alcohol and other drugs.
Drugs, Habits and Social Policy journal is committed to bringing together research on the cultural, social and material contexts of drug use, policy, and professional practices
EconomiA is an academic, peer-reviewed journal publishing research on all aspects of economics. Published open access by Emerald on behalf of the National Association of Graduate Centers in Economics (ANPEC), Brazil.
Education + Training addresses the increasingly complex relationships between education, training and employment and the impact of these relationships on national and global labour markets. The journal gives specific consideration to young people, looking at how the transition from school/college to employment is achieved and how the nature of partnerships between the worlds of education and work continues to evolve. The journal explores vocationalism in learning and efforts to address employability within the curriculum, together with coverage of innovative themes and initiatives within vocational education and training.
Employee Relations is a leading international academic journal focusing on the importance of understanding employment and HR challenges and debates within the context of contemporary national and international labour markets.
Engineering Computations provides a platform for research and discussion across the range of disciplines involved in computer-aided engineering and software.
CIB-recognised ECAM publishes papers on global research breakthroughs and innovative developments in the design, construction and management of buildings and civil infrastructure projects.
English Teaching: Practice and Critique seeks to promote research and theory related to English literacy that is grounded in a range of contexts: classrooms, schools and wider educational constituencies. The journal has as its main focus English teaching in L1 settings. Submissions focused on EFL will be considered only if they have clear pertinence to English literacy in L1 settings. It provides a place where authors from a range of backgrounds can identify matters of common concern and thereby foster broad professional communities and networks. Where possible, English Teaching: Practice and Critique encourages comparative approaches to topics and issues. To view free to access ETPC issues published prior to Emerald acquiring the journal (Vols 1-13), follow this link: https://edlinked.soe.waikato.ac.nz/journal/view.php
EDI offers a platform for critical and rigorous exploration of equal opportunities concerns including gender, ethnicity, class, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, as well as other nascent forms of inequalities in the context of society.
The only journal that stimulates and nourishes dialogue between European-Mediterranean researchers. The journal contributes to the development of knowledge and understanding for contemporary management developments, trends, and challenges.
Publishing innovative, straightforward, challenging, thought-provoking quality articles - as well as insights and foresights - in management.
EJIM is an interdisciplinary journal which addresses all aspects of innovation management. The aim of the journal is the rapid dissemination of original, pragmatist and rigorous research in the field.
The European Journal of Management and Business Economics is an academic, peer-reviewed journal focused on diffusion of articles on all aspects of management and business economics. Published on behalf of Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa.
The European Journal of Management Studies is an academic, peer-reviewed, open access journal focused on diffusion of articles on all aspects of Management Studies. Published on behalf of ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Universidade de Lisboa.
The EJM offers unparalleled insights on new research, current practice and future trends so that practitioners and academics can gain a useful overview of marketing activity and apply that knowledge to develop appropriate strategies.
EJTD aims to provide all those involved in research and practice in training with ideas, news, research findings, case examples and discussion on training and development. The main focus is on Europe but draws insights from an international perspective.
Evidence Based HRM (EBHRM) promotes empirical scholarship in the HR arena and aims to provide an international forum and important reference for the encouragement and dissemination of applied research.
CIB-encouraged journal Facilities provides a platform for high quality research papers focussing on how to best create successful and functional workplaces.
Foresight is an international bi-monthly journal concerned with the study of the future.
Forestry Economics Review is a peer-reviewed journal on economics and policy research relating to forests, forest-related industries, and other forest-relevant land uses. Published in association with Beijing Forestry University & Renmin University of China.
Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment is an academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal focused on diffusion of articles on all aspects of engineering and built environment. Published by Emerald on behalf of King Khalid University.
Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy is an academic, peer-reviewed, open access journal which publishes theoretical and empirical results in all the areas of economics and public policy.
GM focuses on empirical research, theoretical developments, practice and current issues, addressing broad-ranging social issues, political and legislative decisions, social and educational policy and economic factors within the context of gender, management and leadership advancing knowledge and practice in the field.
Global Smart Food Systems is multidisciplinary open access journal committed towards publishing original theoretical, conceptual, applied, empirical and fundamental contributions both qualitative and quantitative particulalry relating to power dynamics.
Global Knowledge, Memory & Communications publishes contemporary research and practice which explores the way that people and organisations interact in the digital information environment.
This journal is an official journal of the International Association of Grey System and Uncertain Analysis, publishing innovative research on the use of grey systems and uncertain information and analysis.
Health Education is a leading journal which reflects the best of modern thinking about health education. It offers stimulating and incisive coverage of current debates, concerns, interventions, and initiatives, and provides a wealth of evidence, research, information, and ideas to inform and inspire those in both the theory and practice of health education. Health Education plays a crucial role in the development of a healthy, inclusive, and equitable social, psychological, and physical environment.
Peer-reviewed journal on Higher Education quality assurance and development, as well as general practices. Published in association with Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT).
HESWBL is the only to journal to focus on the interface between higher education and the workplace. Covering higher level skills, higher level work-based and work integrated learning and higher education, the journal publishes articles with strong impact implications for practice and policy development. Providing broad international coverage of issues, developments and innovation, the journal showcases work around employer engagement, work integrated learning, co-operative education, graduate employability, occupational competence, academic and professional standards and workforce development.
The History of Education Review is an international journal committed to the publication of high quality peer reviewed research and theoretical papers located in the history of education. History of Education Review is the official journal of the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES). Membership includes a subscription to History of Education Review. ANZHES has its website at: http://www.anzhes.com.
Housing, Care and Support (HCS) provides an arena for international information, debate, reflection and the dissemination of research on the wider role of housing in the development of healthy and inclusive communities
Human Resource Management International Digest scans through the best 400 management journals in the world and distil the most topical human resource management issues and relevant implications for HR personnel out of the cutting-edge research.
IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies is an academic, peer reviewed journal publishing research on all aspects of management. Published open access by Emerald on behalf of the Indian Institute of Management Ranchi.
The IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation (IJSBI) is owned by the Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya, which is founded with the objective of providing relevant policy/research/societal implications on Business Innovations and Business Management which includes economics and finance, marketing, human resource, organizational behavior, IT, operation, data analytics, entrepreneurship. The journal also welcomes papers in the area of mindfulness, happiness, and sustainability on business and mankind.
IIMT Journal of Management is a biannual, peer-reviewed, international academic journal, published by Emerald, on behalf of the Indian Institute of Management, Trichy. It is an open-access journal that publishes research and review papers in all disciplines of management studies.
Peer-reviewed refereed journal aiming at engaging academicians as well as practitioners. Focus on the areas of Islamic economics, finance, banking, capital markets, takaful and law. Published in association with ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance.
Indian Growth and Development Review (IGDR) publishes high quality peer-reviewed articles on economic growth and development with an emphasis on emerging and developing economies.
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology highlights research and analysis of the developments in lubricants, including maximising the efficiency for different machines and finding sustainable alternatives to finite resources.
The interdisciplinary journal IMDS brings operations management and information systems research together. Focusing on the impact of new technology within businesses it covers; green information systems, sustainable supply chains, big data and social media.
Industrial Robot publishes high quality research on the latest developments relating to the use of robotic technology, both in the present and future.
ICT aims to provide those involved in training and development, organization development and human resource development access to evidence-based studies for the purpose of improving practice that benefits individuals, organizations, communities and society.
Information Discovery and Delivery explores information discovery and access for digital information researchers. This includes educators, knowledge professionals in education and cultural organisations, knowledge managers in media, health care and government, as well as librarians.
Information Technology & People publishes work that is dedicated to understanding the implications of information technology as a tool, resource and format for people in society as much as in their daily work in organizations.
Information and Computer Security aims to cover the human aspects of security, looking at the impact of user and business behaviours when dealing with security issues. It communicates fresh ideas and cutting-edge research to academics and practitioners.
Informati.on and Learning Science advances inter-disciplinary research that explores scholarly intersections shared within 2 key fields: information science and the learning sciences / education sciences.
Innovation & Management Review is an academic, peer-reviewed journal related to applied science in the field of innovation and management. Published by Emerald on behalf of Universidade de São Paulo.
Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE) is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, which provides a distinct forum to specially promote innovation and participative research approaches.
International Hospitality Review is an academic, peer-reviewed journal focused on the exchange of ideas between academics and industry leaders on both theoretical and applied concepts in the field of international hospitality. Published by Emerald on behalf of Florida International University.
The first journal of its kind, the International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies publishes lesson and learning studies that are pedagogically aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning in formal educational settings. These studies may take the form of action research, design experiments, formative evaluations or pedagogical research more generally that is designed to foster a democratic, discursive and action orientated inquiry process. The editorial objective of the journal is to promote interdisciplinary and cross-national collaboration between groups of teacher educators, educational researchers and schoolteachers.
IJAIM is designed as portal to report state-of-the-art findings by researchers and practitioners, so that financial information users and preparers acquire advanced information they need to improve their decision making.
The International Journal of Bank Marketing provides the venue for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research on marketing issues related to a range of financial services providers, from banks and insurers to financial advisors and credit providers.
IJBPA is a CIB-encouraged journal that publishes findings on contemporary and original research towards sustaining, maintaining and managing existing buildings.
IJCCSM is an Open Access journal which provides a platform for papers assessing approaches to combat and cope with climate change.
IJCST is a specialized journal for all aspects of research regarding clothing science, aimed at all those involved with clothing; whether in fabric, design, production, machinery, management or retailing.
The International Journal of Comparative Education and Development (IJCED) is a quarterly journal devoted to addressing current issues and future developments in comparative education and international education. The journal is international and interdisciplinary, inviting contributions from across the globe and from various academic disciplines.
This is a premier international journal with global reach that provides scholars and practitioners with insightful analyses and new methods for the successful management of conflicts between people, organizations, and cultures.
IJCHM communicates the latest developments and thinking on the management of hospitality and tourism businesses worldwide. IJCHM publishes peer reviewed papers covering issues relevant to strategic management, operations, marketing, finance and HR management.
The International Journal of Crowd Science publishes peer-reviewed research on crowd science in all its forms and across disciplines in association with the National Engineering Laboratory for E-Commerce Technologies.
The International Journal of Development Issues (IJDI) publishes scholarly research on important development issues, with a particular focus on development dynamism and a leaning towards inter-disciplinary research.
IJDRBE is a CIB-encouraged journal that promotes research examining the role of building and construction to anticipate and respond to unexpected events that damage or destroy the built environment.
The International Journal of Disruptive Innovation in Government publishes peer-reviewed research on innovation in government in partnership with the Prime Minister's Office at the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, United Arab Emirates.
The International Journal of Educational Management (IJEM) provides those interested in the effective management of the educational process with a broad overview of developments and best practice in the field, with particular reference to how new ideas can be applied worldwide.
The only peer-reviewed journal to examine issues common to all emergency services, the International Journal of Emergency Services provides an international perspective on the preparedness, response, recovery and rehabilitation stages of multiple emergencies.
International Journal of Emerging Markets is publishing high quality multidisciplinary research focusing on business in emerging markets.
International Journal of Energy Sector Management is a platform for research on all subjects covering the management of the energy sector.
The International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (IJEBR) has a unique focus on publishing original research related to the human and social dynamics of entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial management in small and growing organizations.
The International Journal of Ethics and Systems is a multidisciplinary journal publishing peer review research on issues of ethics and morality affecting socio-scientific systems in epistemological perspectives.
The International Journal of Event and Festival Management advances knowledge in the field of events management and enhances the uptake of such knowledge by academics in the field.
The International Journal of Excellence in Government publishes peer-reviewed research associated with all aspects of transformational excellence in Government, in partnership with the Prime Minister's Office at the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, United Arab Emirates.
The International Journal of Future Government publishes peer-reviewed research on the role of future government, in partnership with the Prime Minister's Office at the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, United Arab Emirates.
IJGE provides a dedicated platform for high calibre, international research of interest to academics, entrepreneurs and policy makers in the field of gender and entrepreneurship.
Publishing work that contributes to the continuous improvement of health care organisations, providing a forum for current thinking on the theoretical and practical aspects of quality and management in health care.
International Journal of Health Governance (IJHG) publishes work with the goal to inform best practice and continuous improvement for changemakers in research, government, healthcare systems, or healthcare organizations.
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis provides an international forum for the interchange of information and ideas relating to housing and housing markets.
International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare (IJHRH) is a peer reviewed journal with a unique practical approach to promoting race equality, inclusion and human rights in health and social care.
The International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IJIEOM) is an academic, peer-reviewed journal focused on the diffusion of articles in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. IJIEOM is published on behalf of IEOM Society International.
International Journal of Information and Learning Technology (IJILT) provides a forum for the sharing of the latest theories, applications, and services related to planning, developing, managing, using, and evaluating information technologies in administrative, academic, and library computing, as well as other educational technologies.
The IJIS publishes fundamental and applied research in innovation practices as the official journal of the International Association of Innovation Professionals (IAOIP).
By analysing the underlying principles of natural computation and control, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics helps to solve real life problems for engineers and managers through intelligent/soft computing and cybernetics paradigms.
A global platform for high quality research papers on static and mobile autonomous systems covering ground, underwater, aerial and space domains.
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (IMEFM) publishes quality and in-depth analysis on current issues within Islamic and Middle Eastern finance and management.
Seeking to present the latest research on policy, practice and theoretical perspectives and their impact on the development and leadership of organisations.
The purpose of The International Journal of Lean Six Sigma is to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of Lean Six Sigma (an integrated approach of Lean and Six Sigma) and to publish the latest trends and research developments in both fields.
IJLM provides a platform for development and examination of management theory and practice relating to logistics and the supply chain. We seek to deliver relevant research that delivers credible knowledge to industry and society while advancing the discipline.
International Journal of Managerial Finance aims to arm its readership with the latest research and commentary in all areas associated with managerial finance, with an informed, inter-disciplinary and international approach.
The International Journal of Managing Projects in Business seeks to advance the theory, research and practice of all aspects of project management.
The International Journal of Manpower is forum for innovative thinking and advancing knowledge in the field of HRM and management.
The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education (IJMCE) publishes cutting edge research, theoretical accounts and emerging issues of mentoring and coaching in educational contexts, including schools, colleges and universities. IJMCE provides global insights and critical accounts of how mentoring and coaching are evolving on a global platform evidencing their situated nature and generic characteristics.
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care (IJMHSC) is a double blind peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal focusing on how international migration relates to health and social care issues, including mental health.
The International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow provides a platform for the latest research and solutions involving computational numerical techniques and fluid dynamics to problems in heat and fluid flow.
IJOPM investigates opportunities, challenges and frontiers of developing and implementing strategies, systems, processes and practices in operations and supply chain management.
IJOTB focuses on the presentation, development, discussion, and analysis of theory and behavior in organizations across all industries and sectors, and from around the world.
The aim of the International Journal of Organizational Analysis is to provide a robust and discursive forum for the study and analysis of organization.
Innovations in smartphones, sensors, wearables, IoTs and the extent to which they will pervade our daily living and the impact this will have on society are all explored in the International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications.
The International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (IJPHM) is positioned as a leading specialist reference resource of academic information and analysis on pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing.
IJPDLM is a leading research journal bridging strategic areas of supply chain management, business logistics, marketing, sustainability, global trade and development in a way that builds knowledge on solving critical production and consumption problems.
The International Journal of Prison Health has a unique interdisciplinary focus on the health of prisons and prisoners, facilitating international research and discussion on experiences from a range of expert authors.
The International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management publishes research in productivity science and performance management or measurement to improve individual, group, organizational and network performance.
The International Journal of Public Leadership (IJPL) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and insights on all aspects of leadership in the public sphere, including government, politics and civil society.
Published for over 30 years, International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) is a valuable resource for both academics and public managers. IJPSM publishes research on all aspects of public organizations, including management, governance and reform.
A unique blend of theoretical knowledge and managerial relevance, IJQRM deals with aspects of business improvements and manufacturing services, helping to raise standards in product and service quality.
The International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (IJRDM) focuses on issues of strategic significance in retailing and distribution worldwide and provides a forum for researchers in academia, business, consultancy and management.
The International Journal of Social Economics publishes original and peer-reviewed theoretical and empirical research in the field of social economics. Its focus is on the examination and analysis of the interaction between economic activity.
IJSSP provides a global, interdisciplinary forum for research and debate in sociology and social policy focussing on topics related to economic and management issues (corporate social responsibility, business ethics, work organization and entrepreneurship).
The International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship is one of the world’s leading journals for the sports marketing industry.
Published in partnership with the European Aeronautics Science Network, as a platform for state of the art in the area of structural integrity.
The issue of sustainability in a higher education context is, to some extent, a recent theme. Since over 600 universities worldwide have committed themselves towards sustainability by signing international agreements and conventions such as the Bologna Charter, The Halifax Declaration, the Talloires Declaration and the Copernicus Charter for Sustainable Development, the journal provides a vital outlet for this emerging research field. More recently, the "Agenda 2030" agreed by the UN General Assembly in November 2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mean that higher education institutions should, more than ever, engage on the implementation of sustainable development across all subject areas.
A peer-reviewed journal, IJTC provides an international forum for the study of urban tourism and tourism cities. The journal aims to be inter-disciplinary in its appreciation of tourism cities and tourism in urban areas.
International Journal of Web Information Systems provides a global platform for state-of-the-art research on the impact of information systems and infrastructure in its application in society.
Providing a mechanism for the exchange of information across business disciplines on all issues related to the wine and alcoholic beverage industry.
IJWHM publishes high-quality research and practical insights concerned with the management of health, well-being, and performance in work settings.
International Marketing Review (IMR) is a journal that has, as its core remit, the goal of publishing research that pushes back the boundaries of international marketing knowledge.
The journal aims to highlight the challenges of health equity but also to celebrate, promote and learn from successful research, policy and practice happening in this area.
International Trade, Politics and Development (ITPD) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of international trade, economics, political science and development studies.
This wide-ranging interdisciplinary journal looks at the social, ethical, economic and political implications of the internet. Recent issues have focused on online and mobile gaming, the sharing economy, and the dark side of social media.
Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy is the official peer reviewed journal of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland. IJOT publishes quality articles, on a biannual basis, that further debate and evidence-based practice within occupational therapy, both in Ireland and worldwide.
Islamic Economic Studies is a peer-reviewed publication on Islamic economics and finance, targeted at professional and academic economists and students and published in association with the Islamic Research and Training Institute.
The Journal of Leadership Education is an academic, double-anonymous, peer-reviewed journal. Scholars and practitioners contribute to foster dialogue across industries focused on the learning process and the practice of leadership education. The journal is published on behalf of the Association of Leadership Educators.
The Journal for Multicultural Education is a double-blind peer reviewed journal. Published quarterly, the editorial objectives and coverage focus on: Fostering research into the management of multicultural education, understanding multicultural education in the context of teacher-learner equity and enabling learners to collaborate more effectively across ethnic, cultural and linguistic lines.
JAOC is designed to provide a platform for interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to disseminate information on contemporary organizational changes and accounting practices in industry, public and nonprofit organizations, or in the private sector.
Emerald is pleased to announce its recent acquisition of the Journal of Accounting Literature, which was established in 1982 by the University of Florida. The journal remains a committed, interdisciplinary forum for papers which make a fundamental and substantial contribution to the understanding of accounting phenomena. JAL will resume publication in 2022 with its 44th volume.
The Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies (JAEE) provides an authoritative overview of accounting research and progress in emerging economies. The journal encourages research relevant to development policy makers.
The Journal of Adult Protection (JAP) uniquely bridges the gap between research and practice. It is the only journal to address developments in safeguarding and adult protection across all adult service user groups.
Publishing research to contribute to the improvement of management practices within societies and businesses worldwide.
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research publishes scholarly and practitioner-based research on all aspects of aggression, conflict and peace, with a clear remit of translating research findings into implementations for practice.
The Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies publishes quality research on issues relevant to agriculture and food value chain in emerging economies in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
The JAAR provides a forum for the dissemination of robust academic research that discusses and proposes field-driven solutions with the potential to change accounting practice and have an impact on the field. The journal clearly communicates insights on highly relevant topics for practice, policymakers and scholars alike.
Higher education around the world has become a major topic of discussion, debate, and controversy, as a range of political, economic, social, and technological pressures result in a myriad of changes at all levels. But the quality and quantity of critical dialogue and research and their relationship with practice remains limited.
The Journal of Asia Business Studies publishes country-specific, and comparative research with an Asian business and management focus.
Peer-reviewed, open access journal on the sustainability of business and economics from global, regional, national, or even local level. Published by Emerald publishing services in partnership with University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City.
The Journal of Blood Service Economics is an academic, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, publishing research from business, health, and public-policy disciplines, to advance knowledge of the U.S. blood and plasma industry to ensure a safe, affordable, and sustainable blood supply. Published on behalf of Commonwealth Transfusion Foundation (CTF).
The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (JBIM) publishes research on new ideas concerning business-to-business marketing, that is, how one company or organization markets its goods/services/ideas to another company or organization.
The Journal of Business Strategy publishes articles with a practical focus designed to help readers develop successful business strategies.
Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development is an academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal focused on diffusion of articles on all aspects of Business and socio-economic development. Published by Emerald on behalf of Ahlia University.
Journal of Capital Markets Studies publishes peer-reviewed research in the areas of economics and finance with a specific focus on capital markets. JCMS is published in association with the Turkish Capital Markets Association (TCMA).
Journal of Children’s Services (JCS) encourages the international development of research-based, outcome-focused services to better safeguard and promote the well-being of children and their families locally, nationally and internationally.
The Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS) publishes high quality research on economic, business, and foreign trade issues including those relating to China, South Asia and South-East Asia.