2D Materials™ (2DM) aims to curate the most significant and cutting-edge research being undertaken in the field of two-dimensional materials science and engineering. Serving an expanding multidisciplinary community of researchers and technologists, our goal is to develop a selective journal dedicated to bringing together the most important new results and perspectives from across the discipline. Submissions should be essential reading for a particular sub-field and should also be of multidisciplinary interest to the wider community, with the expectation that published work will have a significant impact.
Fluid Dynamics Research publishes original and creative works in all fields of fluid dynamics. The scope includes theoretical, numerical and experimental studies as well as data-driven approaches that contribute to the fundamental understanding and/or application of fluid flow phenomena.
Fluid Dynamics Research covers a broad range of fundamental topics in science and engineering in fields and welcomes contributions that pioneer novel ideas and approaches to advance the understanding of fluid flow phenomena and/or develop new applications of fluid mechanics.
Frequency: 12 issues per year.Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering covers all aspects of microelectromechanical structures, devices, and systems, as well as micromechanics and micromechatronics. The journal focuses on original work in fabrication and integration technologies, on the micro- and nano-scale. The journal aims to highlight the link between new fabrication technologies and their capacity to create novel devices. Original work in microengineering and nanoengineering is also reported. Such work is defined as applications of these fabrication and integration technologies to structures in which key attributes of the devices or systems depend on specific micro- or nano-scale features. Such applications span the physical, chemical, electrical and biological realms. New fabrication and integration techniques for both silicon and non-silicon materials are reported. Relevant modelling papers in micro- and nanoengineering are reported where supported by experimental data. The journal also covers integration of interface electronics with micro- and nanoengineered systems, as well as vacuum microelectronics, microfabricated electrically passive elements, and other micro- or nanoengineering-enabled electrical devices.A submission to Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering must be the original work of the author(s) and must not be published elsewhere or be under consideration for another publication in its submitted or a substantially similar form in any language. Contributions in the following categories may be submitted.
Machine Learning: Engineering is a multidisciplinary open access journal dedicated to the application of machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven computational methods across all areas of engineering. The journal also publishes research that presents methodological, theoretical, or conceptual advances in machine learning and AI with applications to engineering.
Nanotechnology aims to publish original research at the forefront of nanoscale science and technology across all disciplines. The journal’s scope encompasses the study of both fundamental phenomena at the nanoscale and applications of these phenomena. ‘Nanotechnology’ is taken to include the ability to individually address, control, and modify structures, materials and devices with nanometre precision, and the synthesis of such structures into systems of micro- and macroscopic dimensions such as MEMS based devices.
To be publishable in the journal, articles must meet the highest scientific quality standards, contain significant and original new science, and make substantial advances in nanoscale science and technology. Research on the synthesis of materials should contain a significant innovation either in methodology, materials or demonstrated application. To ensure high editorial standards, every submitted article is initially assessed by the editors of the journal before being sent to independent referees. Articles can be rejected without refereeing after this initial assessment by the editors. Due to the high volume of papers that we receive, we regret that we are unable to provide feedback on individual articles. Authors appealing against the decision will have to demonstrate to the Editorial Board of the journal at nano@ioppublishing.org that their paper contains significant new science of high quality and interest.